International day for disaster risk reduction 2020: How to reduce the risk | Oneindia News

2020-10-12 695

The United Nations General Assembly has designated October 13th as the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction or World calamity Control Day to promote a global culture of disaster risk reduction. The International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction was started in 1989, after a call by the United Nations General Assembly for a day to promote a global culture of risk-awareness and disaster reduction. keeping with the Day’s focus on the impact that disasters have on people’s lives and well-being, this year’s theme is about conveying the message that many disasters can be avoided or prevented if there are disaster risk reduction strategies in place to manage and reduce existing levels of risk and to avoid the creation of new risk. Awareness, education, preparedness, and prediction and warning systems can reduce the disruptive impacts of a natural disaster on communities. Mitigation measures such as adoption of zoning, land-use practices, and building codes are needed to prevent or reduce actual damage from hazards.